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Good News Bible Church has returned to in-person worship at our facilities. Join us at 10am every Sunday! (We are meeting outdoors for now, but will move back indoors soon.)

To ensure the health & safety of all, a special task force lead by Pastor Orlando Magana, M.D. developed the following re-opening guidelines. There is no pressure for you to return to our in-person worship. We will continue to offer live-stream services for those who are not ready to return or are medically advised to remain away for the time being.


1 – HOW DO WE KNOW WHEN TO RE-OPEN? We are following the guidance of the CDC, the State of Illinois and the City of Chicago. With Chicago officially in Phase 4 of the re-opening plan, it has now been deemed okay for churches to begin holding in-person services again. There is no pressure for you to attend if you do not feel comfortable yet.

2 – WILL MASK BE REQUIRED? Anyone 5 years or older will be asked to wear a mask while at church services or other activities. If you do not have one you will not be able to participate.

3 – WHAT OTHER PRECAUTIONS ARE WE TAKING? We have instituted a weekly deep-cleaning protocol using our custodial staff. We welcome volunteers to help us. Email us if you are available: There will be hand sanitizing stations available at each entrance as well. In addition, we will not be receiving offering as usual and instead will set up an offering bucket at the east door each week. People are encouraged to continue giving online via Pushpay ( Finally, we will discontinue our fellowship gathering for the near future and we ask that you do not hang at the church after services.

4 – WHAT TIME IS THE SERVICE? We will continue to hold our services at 10am. For those people who are unable or uncomfortable attending in person, we will be live-streaming services on Facebook Live as well. This will look different than our current online services as it will be a real-time stream of our service using one wide shot angle. (A recorded version of the livestream will be available on our website around noon each Sunday.)

5 – HOW MANY PEOPLE CAN ATTEND THE SERVICE? Our services may be held outdoors, in our fellowship hall or the sanctuary, depending on weather, and will feature live preaching and singing. Our ushers will ensure that we are leaving empty spaces between people according to social distancing guidelines.

In order to adhere to CDC, state and local guidelines, when we are indoors we will be limiting the size of our worship service gatherings to 50 people. We may have to turn some people away once we reach capacity.

6 – WHAT IF YOU STILL AREN’T COMFORTABLE? If you are not comfortable attending the worship service in person, we encourage you to stay home. There is no pressure to gather in person. We will be live-streaming our service on Facebook Live and have it available on video on our website. If you are feeling sick or are at considered medically at risk, we ask that you do not attend our in-person services and continue to watch online. Anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 should stay home.

Please note that these guidelines are being continually updated as new information becomes available. Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns?